abjekt tala

Här ordsätter jag fragment av den översatta, avlyssnade, genomlevda och levrade rösten från platsen mellan, från det trinitäras terräng. Området mellan subjektets inhägnad och objektets bårhus.
Och återger terrängens (klyftans) litterära speglingar och vindlande spår.

She hungered for a different story - one to respell the world she knew


What we seek is love itself, revealed now and again in human form, but pushing us beyond our humanity into animal instict and god-like success. There is no love that does not pierce the hands and feet... Jeanette Winterson. Love, the deadly wound from which my life slowly bleeds, there I am preserved ...Birgitta Trotzig

söndag 18 april 2021

unpetrified horse

The decapitation of Medusa is one of the remythologized myths I have been living backbone to backbone with for more than 30 years. One of the offsprings of the decapitation was the horse Pegasus.
Here is the myth captured as a stitchling, a work of art much like an active icon, walkable, danceable ... thinkable through. 

Please note: no hero is present.

On a few occasions I have looked out over the islands below Erythrai in Turkey, home to the Erythraean Sibyl. The islands are said to be petrified horses. Today I think the freezing has been undone.

Now it is soon time to ride the horse out on green pasture. 

Art by Jake Baddeley

when she rides the wild horse

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