Hugo Rheinhold's Monkey Statuette
Trying to tag myself with a new professional identity:
A movable incarnated writing libray entity.
(- maybe I should put in keyholding?)
Then of course - I am also thinking about The Library of Babel by Jorge Luis Borges and a mind floating quote by Clarice Lispector:
I'm afraid to start writing to be understood by that imaginary someone, I'm afraid I'll start 'making' a sense, with the same meek madness that up to yesterday was my 'healthy' way of fitting into a system. Will I have the courage to use an undefended heart and go on speaking to nothing and no one? as when a child thinks about nothingness.
Borges' Library of Babel consists of an enormous expanse of interlocking hexagonal rooms, each of which contains the bare necessities for human survival—and four walls of bookshelves... it's a vision of massive information overload and a vision of almost infinite despair, of a longing for coherence and meaning drowned under an impossible weight of incoherence and meaninglessness.
But there is a space, a room...
There are whispers of a mythical 'Crimson Hexagon.' And within this space is contained THE One Book that is the answer or the question to all other books...
The mythical hexagon, the semiotic chora - I can feel the whisper of Julia Kristeva and the dripping through from her Revolution in Poetic Language (1984).
And I know that librarians reaching the chora are honey-mad women... mad for the honey of speech... not maniacs but medusiacs...
Adding the 4th of September 2022: ... are medusiac, wisdom dancers in the veils of Metis
Artist Aganetha Dyck