Berättarhändanden på Backafestivalen:
Förra året dansberättade jag om Eurynome som dansade fram det hele. I år galloperade vi ut på en quest för att befria den tillfångatagna melodin - för att hitta ordet som befriar.
Hittar avskrivna ord från början av -90 talet om gudinnan som en poemagogisk symbol. En benämning myntad av Anton Ehrenzweig för att:
describe its special function of inducing and symbolizing the ego's creativity. She is constantly changing form and changing face. Her images do not define or pin down a set of attributes; they spark inspiration, creation, fertility of mind and spirit... who bends the unseen into form... Oneness is attained not through loosing the self, but through realizing it fully... She(hoan/haon) the turning spiral that whirls us in and out of existence - birth, death, birth... invites us to dance, to recover our primal birtright, the sheer, intoxicating joy of being alive...
(Alla avskrivna ord är inte kunskapsinhämtning utan bräder, skruvar, stegar, rep, hinkar - byggnadsställningar, stödstrukturer runt erfaranden i behov av igenkänning... skapandet av en mångmunnig massa, ett bo/rum där erfaranden kan få ägga till sig, näbbförses, spräcka skal och få fjädrar)
One story
Alone, awesome, complete within herself, the goddess, she whose name cannot be spoken, floated in the abyss of the outer darkness, before the beginning of all things. And as she looked into the curved mirror of black space, she saw by her own light her radiant reflection, and fell in love with it. She drew it forth by the power that was in her and made love to herself, and called her "Miria, the Wonderful".
Their ecstasy burst forth in the single song of all that is, was, or ever shall be, and with the song came motion, waves that poured outward and became all the spheres and circles of the worlds. The goddess became filled with love, swollen with love, and she gave birth to a rain of bright spirits that filled the worlds and became all beings.
But in that great movement, Miria was swept away, and as she moved out from the goddess she became more masculine. First she became the blue god, the gentle , laughing god of love. Then she became the green one, vine-covered, rooted in the earth, the spirit of all growing things. At last she became the horned God, the hunter whose face is the ruddy sun and yet dark as death. But always desire draws him back toward the goddess, so that he circles her eternally, seeking to return in love... merging
All began in love; all seeks to return to love. Love is the law, the teacher of wisdom, and the great revealer of mysteries.
There ain't no cure for love - there ain't nothing else to do than sacrificing one's wrapping, slough off own's skin and remake/let it be remade into a dancing costume/skin... once touched by the melody...