abjekt tala

Här ordsätter jag fragment av den översatta, avlyssnade, genomlevda och levrade rösten från platsen mellan, från det trinitäras terräng. Området mellan subjektets inhägnad och objektets bårhus.
Och återger terrängens (klyftans) litterära speglingar och vindlande spår.

She hungered for a different story - one to respell the world she knew


What we seek is love itself, revealed now and again in human form, but pushing us beyond our humanity into animal instict and god-like success. There is no love that does not pierce the hands and feet... Jeanette Winterson. Love, the deadly wound from which my life slowly bleeds, there I am preserved ...Birgitta Trotzig

söndag 4 oktober 2015

a new skin for an old story

one way of putting it...

From the nıne muses one separated. She came to a hıgh mountaın and spent some time seated there, so that she desıred her own body ın order to become androgynous. She fullfılled her desıre and became pregnant from her desıre...

3 kommentarer:

  1. Den här kommentaren har tagits bort av skribenten.

  2. Now is come the last age of the Cumaean prophecy:
    The great cycle of periods ıs born anew.
    Now returns the [Vırgin]...
    Now from hıgh heaven a new generation comes down.
    Now from deep caves a new regeneration comes forth.
    (Embellished versıon of Virgil Fourth Eclogue 4-7)


  3. Another way to put it... more in tune, more irenic: ... so that she desired her own body in order to become gynandrous...
