Letar efter låt jag delat på FB och hittar det har citatet:
29 December 2009
Förbereder att kasta 2009 års kalender och hittar ett nedskrivet citat:" Gunnar Ekelöf beskrev sig som en som tänker med tungan..." det citatet får bli ingångsorden till 2010...
Idag hämtade jag beställd fjärrlånebok på biblioteket:
From the Beast to the Blonde, On fairy tales and their tellers, där författaren inleder med bästa tungberättelsen jag ofta berättat för att förklara vikten av berättande...:
The poor man’s wife flourishes, the Sultana gets thinner and scrappier by the minute. So the Sultan sends for the poor man and demands the secret of his wife’s happiness. ‘Very simple,’ he replies. ‘I feed her meat of the tongue.’ The Sultan buys ox tongues and larks’ tongues; still his wife withers away. He makes her change places with the poor man’s wife and she immediately starts thriving, while her replacement soon becomes as lean and miserable as the former queen. For the tongue meats that the poor man feeds his wives aren’t material, of course. They’re stories, jokes, songs; in this fable from Kenya, this is what makes women thrive.
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