abjekt tala
Här ordsätter jag fragment av den översatta, avlyssnade, genomlevda och levrade rösten från platsen mellan, från det trinitäras terräng. Området mellan subjektets inhägnad och objektets bårhus.
Och återger terrängens (klyftans) litterära speglingar och vindlande spår.
She hungered for a different story - one to respell the world she knew
Och återger terrängens (klyftans) litterära speglingar och vindlande spår.
She hungered for a different story - one to respell the world she knew
söndag 8 maj 2011
hjärtats begärelse
en drunknad dricker i kroppssäcken
dränkt och drucken bygger han
en cirkel av stenande stentyngder för födandet
ingångens välvda portal flätas samman
av sfinxens och chimärens beblandade DNA
materian andas
när man färdas genom öknen
möter man djur av ofattbart slag
- Jag galopperar fram genom labyrintens korridorer, svävar över bergen, stryker längs vågornas kammar, gläfser i bråddjupen, klänger mig med käften fast vid skyarnas flikar, sopar stränderna med min släpande stjärt och kullarna har tagit form efter mina skuldror. Men dig finner jag ständigt orörlig utom då du med tassen tecknar alfabeten i sanden.
- Jag bevarar min hemlighet! Jag tänker och beräknar. Havet böljar fram och tillbaka, säden vajar i vinden, karavaner drar förbi, damm skingras, städer vittrar - och min blick, som ingenting kan avleda, skådar oavbrutet tvärs igenom tingen mot en ouppnåelig horisont.
- Jag är förälskad i dina ögon! Som en upphetsad hyena kretsar jag kring dig och söker egga dig att ge mig den befruktning, som jag förtärs av längtan efter.
Hjärtats begärelse (om den helige Antonius, den egyptiske munkens närkamp med dödssynderna ), blev Gustave Flauberts översvämmade livsverk
CHIMÄRAN går att träffa på, om begäret är det rätta, på berget Olympos i sydvästra Turkiet - där stiger fortfarande den flammande andedräkten upp ur bergets skrevor.
lördag 30 april 2011
Sisters in wor(l)ds.
En inbjudan till dansen.
Ordens lek med den självförglömmande danserskan
- ett "fall" ner i "minnet" av Ordets förförande Lustgård.
Hoppet står till Danserskan...
(Marianne Hörnströms systerords texter)
Sisters in wor(l)ds
Den gåtfulla formen är en levande form; likt livet är den som ett mångfärgat skimmer; en inbjudan till dansen... mot bokstavstrons tyngd
Möjligt - varandet i livets metaforiska dans
- dansa tecken,
andas blandas och beblandas,
in- och utvagineras
i och ur det incestuösa huset
me, myself, Irène
alla nersvalde ord, alla drunkningstyngder
vänder upp buken
blir vadstenar
ur det textuella lapptäckets sömmar
rinner, vätskar:
House of Incest, Anais Nin
I walked into my own book, seeking peace.
It was night, and I made a careless movement inside the dream; I turned too brusquely the corner and I bruised myself against my madness. It was this seeing too much, this seeing of a tragedy in the quiver of an eyelid, constructing a crime in the next room, the men and women who had loved before me on the same hotel bed.
I carry white sponges of knowledge on strings of nerves.
As I move within my book I am cut by pointed glass and broken bottles in which there is still the odor of sperm and perfume.
More pages added to the book but pages like a prisoner’s walking back and forth over the space allotted him. What is it allotted me to say? Only the truth disguised in a fairytale, and this is the fairytale behind which all the truths are staring as behind grilled mosque windows. With veils. The moment I step into the cavern of my lies I drop into darkness, and see a mask which stares at me like the glance of a cross-eyed man; yet I am wrapped in lies which do not penetrate my soul, as if the lies I tell were like costumes.
I walked out of my book into the paralytic’s room.
He sat there among many objects under glass as in a museum. He had collected a box of paint which he never painted with, a thousand books with pages uncut, and they were covered with dust. His Spanish cape hung on the shoulders of a mannequin, his guitar lay with strings snapped like long disordered hair. He sat before a notebook of blank pages, saying: I swallow my own words. I chew and chew everything until it deteriorates. Every thought or impulse I have is chewed into nothingness. I want to capture all my thoughts at once, but they run in all directions. If I could do this I would be capturing the nimblest of minds, like a shoal of minnows. I would reveal innocence and duplicity, generosity and calculation, fear and cowardice and courage. I want to tell the whole truth, but I cannot tell the whole truth because I would have to write four pages at once, like four columns simultaneously, four pages to the present one, and so I do not write at all. I would have to write backwards, retrace my steps constantly to catch the echoes and the overtones.
His skin was transparent like that of a newborn child, and his eyes green like moss. He bowed to Sabina, to Jeanne, and to me: meet the modern Christ, who is crucified by his own nerves, for all our neurotic sins!
The modern Christ was wiping the perspiration which dripped over his face, as if he were sitting there in the agony of a secret torture. Paincarved features. Eyes too open, as if dilated by scenes of horror. Heavy-lidded, with a world-heavy fatigue. Sitting on his chair as if there were ghosts standing beside him. A smile like an insult. Lips edged and withered by the black scum of drugs. A body taut like wire.
In our writings we are brothers, I said. The speed of our vertigoes is the same. We arrived at the same place at the same moment, which is not so with other people’s thoughts. The language of nerves which we both use makes us brothers in writing.
The modern Christ said: I was born without a skin. I dreamed once that I stood naked in a garden and that it was carefully and neatly peeled, like a fruit. Not an inch of skin left on my body. It was all gently pulled off, all of it, and then I was told to walk, to live, to run. I walked slowly at first, and the garden was very soft, and I felt the softness of the garden so acutely, not on the surface of my body, but all through it, the soft warm air and the perfumes penetrated me like needles through every open bleeding pore. All the pores open and breathing the softness, the warmth, and the smells. The whole body invaded, penetrated, responding, every tiny cell and pore active and breathing and trembling and enjoying. I shrieked with pain. I ran. And as I ran the wind lashed me, and then the voices of people like whips on me. Being touched! Do you know what it is to be touched by a human being!
He wiped his face with his handkerchief.
The paralytic sat still in the corner of the room.
You are fortunate, he said, you are fortunate to feel so much; I wish I could feel all that. You are at least alive to pain, whereas I…
Then he turned his face away, and just before he turned away I saw the veins on his forehead swelling, swelling with the effort he made, the inner effort which neither his tongue nor his body, nor his thoughts would obey.
If only we could all escape from this house of incest, where we only love ourselves in the other, if only I could save you all from yourselves, said the modern Christ.
But none of us could bear to pass through the tunnel which led from the house into the world on the other side of the walls, where there were leaves on the trees, where water ran beside the paths, where there was daylight and joy. We could not believe that the tunnel would open on daylight: we feared to be trapped in darkness again; we feared to return whence we had come, from darkness and night. The tunnel would narrow and taper down as we walked; it would close around us, and close tighter and tighter around us and stifle us. It would grow heavy and narrow and suffocate us as we walked.
Yet we knew that beyond the house of incest there was daylight, and none of us could walk towards it.
We all looked now at the dancer who stood at the center of the room dancing the dance of the woman without arms. She danced as if she were deaf and could not follow the rhythm of the music. She danced as if she could not hear the sound of her castanets. Her dancing was isolated and separated from music and from us and from the room and from life. The castanets sounded like the steps of a ghost.
She danced, laughing and sighing and breathing all for herself. She danced her fears, stopping in the center of every dance to listen to reproaches that we could not hear, or bowing to applause that we did not make. She was listening to a music we could not hear, moved by hallucinations we could not see.
My arms were taken away from me, she sang. I was punished for clinging. I clung. I clutched all those I loved, I clutched at the lovely moments of life; my hands closed upon every full hour. My arms were always tight and craving to embrace. I wanted to embrace and hold the light, the wind, the sun, the night, the whole world. I wanted to caress, to heal, to rock, to lull, to surround, to encompass. And I strained and I held so much that they broke; they broke away from me. Everything eluded me then. I was condemned not to hold.
Trembling and shaking she stood looking at her arms now stretched before her again.
She looked at her hands tightly closed and opened them slowly, opened them completely like Christ; she opened them in a gesture of abandon and giving; she relinquished and forgave, opening her arms and her hands, permitting all things to flow away and beyond her.
I could not bear the passing of things. All flowing, all passing, all movement choked me with anguish.
And she danced; she danced with the music and with the rhythm of earth’s circles; she turned with the earth turning, like a disk, turning all faces to light and to darkness evenly, dancing towards daylight...
alla nersvalde ord, alla drunkningstyngder
vänder upp buken
blir vadstenar
ur det textuella lapptäckets sömmar
rinner, vätskar:
House of Incest, Anais Nin
I walked into my own book, seeking peace.
It was night, and I made a careless movement inside the dream; I turned too brusquely the corner and I bruised myself against my madness. It was this seeing too much, this seeing of a tragedy in the quiver of an eyelid, constructing a crime in the next room, the men and women who had loved before me on the same hotel bed.
I carry white sponges of knowledge on strings of nerves.
As I move within my book I am cut by pointed glass and broken bottles in which there is still the odor of sperm and perfume.
More pages added to the book but pages like a prisoner’s walking back and forth over the space allotted him. What is it allotted me to say? Only the truth disguised in a fairytale, and this is the fairytale behind which all the truths are staring as behind grilled mosque windows. With veils. The moment I step into the cavern of my lies I drop into darkness, and see a mask which stares at me like the glance of a cross-eyed man; yet I am wrapped in lies which do not penetrate my soul, as if the lies I tell were like costumes.
I walked out of my book into the paralytic’s room.
He sat there among many objects under glass as in a museum. He had collected a box of paint which he never painted with, a thousand books with pages uncut, and they were covered with dust. His Spanish cape hung on the shoulders of a mannequin, his guitar lay with strings snapped like long disordered hair. He sat before a notebook of blank pages, saying: I swallow my own words. I chew and chew everything until it deteriorates. Every thought or impulse I have is chewed into nothingness. I want to capture all my thoughts at once, but they run in all directions. If I could do this I would be capturing the nimblest of minds, like a shoal of minnows. I would reveal innocence and duplicity, generosity and calculation, fear and cowardice and courage. I want to tell the whole truth, but I cannot tell the whole truth because I would have to write four pages at once, like four columns simultaneously, four pages to the present one, and so I do not write at all. I would have to write backwards, retrace my steps constantly to catch the echoes and the overtones.
His skin was transparent like that of a newborn child, and his eyes green like moss. He bowed to Sabina, to Jeanne, and to me: meet the modern Christ, who is crucified by his own nerves, for all our neurotic sins!
The modern Christ was wiping the perspiration which dripped over his face, as if he were sitting there in the agony of a secret torture. Paincarved features. Eyes too open, as if dilated by scenes of horror. Heavy-lidded, with a world-heavy fatigue. Sitting on his chair as if there were ghosts standing beside him. A smile like an insult. Lips edged and withered by the black scum of drugs. A body taut like wire.
In our writings we are brothers, I said. The speed of our vertigoes is the same. We arrived at the same place at the same moment, which is not so with other people’s thoughts. The language of nerves which we both use makes us brothers in writing.
The modern Christ said: I was born without a skin. I dreamed once that I stood naked in a garden and that it was carefully and neatly peeled, like a fruit. Not an inch of skin left on my body. It was all gently pulled off, all of it, and then I was told to walk, to live, to run. I walked slowly at first, and the garden was very soft, and I felt the softness of the garden so acutely, not on the surface of my body, but all through it, the soft warm air and the perfumes penetrated me like needles through every open bleeding pore. All the pores open and breathing the softness, the warmth, and the smells. The whole body invaded, penetrated, responding, every tiny cell and pore active and breathing and trembling and enjoying. I shrieked with pain. I ran. And as I ran the wind lashed me, and then the voices of people like whips on me. Being touched! Do you know what it is to be touched by a human being!
He wiped his face with his handkerchief.
The paralytic sat still in the corner of the room.
You are fortunate, he said, you are fortunate to feel so much; I wish I could feel all that. You are at least alive to pain, whereas I…
Then he turned his face away, and just before he turned away I saw the veins on his forehead swelling, swelling with the effort he made, the inner effort which neither his tongue nor his body, nor his thoughts would obey.
If only we could all escape from this house of incest, where we only love ourselves in the other, if only I could save you all from yourselves, said the modern Christ.
But none of us could bear to pass through the tunnel which led from the house into the world on the other side of the walls, where there were leaves on the trees, where water ran beside the paths, where there was daylight and joy. We could not believe that the tunnel would open on daylight: we feared to be trapped in darkness again; we feared to return whence we had come, from darkness and night. The tunnel would narrow and taper down as we walked; it would close around us, and close tighter and tighter around us and stifle us. It would grow heavy and narrow and suffocate us as we walked.
Yet we knew that beyond the house of incest there was daylight, and none of us could walk towards it.
We all looked now at the dancer who stood at the center of the room dancing the dance of the woman without arms. She danced as if she were deaf and could not follow the rhythm of the music. She danced as if she could not hear the sound of her castanets. Her dancing was isolated and separated from music and from us and from the room and from life. The castanets sounded like the steps of a ghost.
She danced, laughing and sighing and breathing all for herself. She danced her fears, stopping in the center of every dance to listen to reproaches that we could not hear, or bowing to applause that we did not make. She was listening to a music we could not hear, moved by hallucinations we could not see.
My arms were taken away from me, she sang. I was punished for clinging. I clung. I clutched all those I loved, I clutched at the lovely moments of life; my hands closed upon every full hour. My arms were always tight and craving to embrace. I wanted to embrace and hold the light, the wind, the sun, the night, the whole world. I wanted to caress, to heal, to rock, to lull, to surround, to encompass. And I strained and I held so much that they broke; they broke away from me. Everything eluded me then. I was condemned not to hold.
Trembling and shaking she stood looking at her arms now stretched before her again.
She looked at her hands tightly closed and opened them slowly, opened them completely like Christ; she opened them in a gesture of abandon and giving; she relinquished and forgave, opening her arms and her hands, permitting all things to flow away and beyond her.
I could not bear the passing of things. All flowing, all passing, all movement choked me with anguish.
And she danced; she danced with the music and with the rhythm of earth’s circles; she turned with the earth turning, like a disk, turning all faces to light and to darkness evenly, dancing towards daylight...
torsdag 28 april 2011
"Textens" ratio = form=innehåll=process
mångmunnigt, mångkunnigt
klassifikations-, upphovs- och tids-
"One Day In June" Heather Nova
One day in june, I slipped away
Called by desire, drawn to the flame
My virtues disappeared
Light on my feet
Whispers as sweet as honey calling to me
One day in june
One day in june
I felt the hunger, I ate the fruit
One day in june
So don't cry for me
I had my chance;
I took a risk - I asked the wind to dance
Don't try to save me; I'm already gone
Everything's over
But I'm burning on
One day in june
One day in june
I felt the hunger, I ate the fruit
One day in june
Oh and I don't like how it feels to tell all these little lies
Try to be the one you can count on, but it's a thin disguise
I kissed it all goodbye
One day in june
Frihet är en eld, ett övervinnande av denna värld, genom att förvandla den till ett böljande kaos... det kaos som är skapandets eviga grundval (Norman O Brown)
Den arkaiska eldsvådan
testamente, brännmärken
till den vuxne (Lova Eklund)
ett talbart rinnande språk...
Omläser IMAGO av Hanna Manush
I min översättning
ord skapar förkastningar
mellan din värld och min värld
sätter gränser
för våra kroppars samspel
bryter rytmen
i det gemensamma andetaget
avlägsnar vårt öga
från varandra
och häktar fast det
i redan inträffade händanden
ord skapar förkastningar
av bibetydelser
och hänsyftningar
sätter gränser
för våra möjligheter
Ord skapar förkastningar
är magiska besvärjelser
som frammanar onda andar
får världen att stillna
fryser rörelsen
och tvingar våra kroppar
även om händerna
ett talbart rinnande språk...
och det skrivna - stelnat, levrat levnadssvett...
boken heather nova,
fredag 22 april 2011
berättelsen - Here I am - enflesh me... vadar i ordströmmar efter beslutet att ta tjänstledigt i höst o på THE plats ordforma det mångögda, mångflikiga avlyssnandet av THE plats, av sprickmönstret i symbolen jag/själv...
jag är boken jag aldrig skrev
- nu skrivs jag med huvudet mellan förmödrars lår, genomdränkt av tankevätska
- upptänd
torsdag 21 april 2011
Metteuse en scène
Och det var en skådespelerska, teatern var hennes hem. Skådespelerskan erbjöd sin kropp, sina senor och muskler, sin spelande bröstkorg, sitt struphuvud och sin röst..
Framför spegeln, den mörka spegeln. Vita armar, tunna starka muskler skimrade gråaktiga, blåaktiga. Hon sträckte ut dom, tänjde handled och hand, fingerled efter fingerled - åtbörden darrar till, föds, vibrerar, vill färdas ända ut så långt det bara går. (Hon) håller på att förvandlas, armen att växa, dödsvinge, livsvinge, en annan art. Ögonhålor, där glimmar en okänd arts ögon. Grå läppar. Tungan och munhålan däremot är röda, friska, våta, livsdugliga, kan förklä sig i det sanna talet och det falska talet, förklöva sig framlänges och baklänges - kroppens vilja är emellertid långt därifrån, ut över havet och skogarna vill fågelskriet, själafågelns rop.
(En skådespelerska sitter i sin loge och sminkar av sig en mörderska, krigets ande. Ljus brinner vid de mörka spegelglasen. Nu gräver fingrarna i burken med salva. Salvan är sval, har makt att utplåna. Nu plånas ögonbrynet ut, det andra stirrar alltjämt stort, stelt och vilt ur spegelmörkret tillbaka på henne. Det kommer alltid ett ögonblick när halva ansiktet är mask, vilket? - den andra halvan utplånad, något gömt i snö, det i snö mörka gömda. En halv värld och en halv värld, vem är vem? Vem är hon som föds i det tredje rummet och som är de bägge, hon och icke-hon, som likafullt har funnits till där i det tredje rummet, där levt ett liv, fått blod på händerna, till sist dött en våldsam död för egen hand enligt vad kvinnornas skrik utanför scenen förkunnade?)
Det var en skådespelerska, teatern var hennes hem. Stor, vit och strålande låg den vid det praktfulla kolonntorget - runt omkring böljade och brusade huvudstaden med allt sitt mörker, nöd, sociala oro. Nersläckt om natten ruvade den stora teaterbyggnaden över sitt innanmäte. Överallt i vrårna prasslade det av väsen som drog sig tillbaka ut i mörkret, en fladdermusaktigt slocknande underjordsvärld.
Efterhand släcktes det i logerna, med undantag för nattvakten nere i portvaktsburen (där en ytterst liten lampa belyste nedre delen av ett mansansikte, grova, tunga käkar) låg teatern nu mörk och tyst. Teaterbyggnaden liknade en kropp, en modell av ett världsallt uppbyggt av ett labyrintiskt rumssystem - mitt inuti befann sig huvudsaken, den inre kroppshålan, den mörka tomma scenen och den mörka tysta salongen som ännu tycktes återskalla av liv och röster, kärlekssnyftningar och dödsskrik, folkmassors och arméers stampande och trampande. Alla speglarna sov, i dem var nu mörkret. Allt tydligare kändes då i natten och ensamheten en mäktigt levande kropp, som utan ljud hade sitt tal, en nästan gränslös kropp av röster.
Och liksom teaterbyggnaden hade skådespelerskan inuti sin kropp ett rum, som bara var mörker och inga gränser hade. Ett icke-vetandets rum rakt ut i samtidens natt och i storstaden förde det, ur huvudstadens nätter steg drömmar upp och levde i henne, än djur, än människa. Teatern var hennes hem, när hon sent om kvällen lämnade den (...) lämnade hon också sig själv bakom sig och for ut i något som bara var blint, gömt, glömt.
Scenen var ett hål ut i världen, det var den svarta världsscenen, där det blåste kallt.
Och en dag - tiden ropade och skriade, bomber kastades - började också det blinda gömda att röra på sig, ur det mörka rummet steg någon som var både levande och död fram: en dag hörde hon som om det långt utifrån mörkret ropade på henne - ja, snart skulle allt spricka, rasa, murar falla, ridån flyga upp världen rusa in. En dag (tiden ropade och skriade, bomber kastades) började det blinda gömda glömda att röra på sig, ur mörkret ropade ett andra jag med stark röst på henne - kanske hade det gjort det hela tiden?
(ur sin tonande revbenskorg)
tisdag 12 april 2011
Nynne Koch en hjälta i biblioteksvärlden
Jag läste imorse några anteckningar om Nynne Koch (1915-2001) - min absoluta förebild inom biblioteksområdet, och hennes förebildande grundmurade tilltro till naturens intelligens och hennes valspråk:
je responderai - jag svarar an...
och det gjorde hon både i känslotanke-arbetet och i det konkreta, vardagliga handlandet.
Nynne Koch anställdes 1961 som kontorist på Det Kongelige Bibliotek i Köpenhamn. Hon hade redan tidigare som skönlitterär författare och debattör intresserat sig för “kvinnofrågan”. Detta intresse ledde till att hon undersökte kvinnolitteraturens ställning på sin nya arbetsplats, med nedslående resultat. Viktiga kvinnoverk saknades i beståndet, exempelvis Mary Wollstonecrafts A vindication of the right of woman från 1792, som var en av de tändande gnistorna i den första kvinnorörelsen. Den kvinnorelevanta litteratur som trots allt fanns, var svår att hitta.
1964 klev Nynne Koch över tröskeln till riksbibliotekariens kontor och bad om tid för att genomgå Det Kongelige Biblioteks kataloger och registrera kvinnorelevant litteratur. Hans svar blev: ”Ja, det må De gerne. Men De må kun bruge et kvarter om dagen”. Under denna officiellt tilldelade kvart om dagen gick hon igenom alla bibliotekets samlingar och sammanställde en unik forskningsöversikt över bibliotekets kvinnorelevanta material. Denna översikt kom att ligga till grund för det nya ämnesområdet feminologi, som Nynne Koch tillskapade och namngav.
Beteckningen feminologi vann fotfäste på Det Kongelige Bibliotek och 1973 utnämndes Nynne Koch till ämnesreferent för området feminologi och ansvarig för den nyupprättade ”feminologisk dokumentationstjenste” på biblioteket. Några år senare, 1979, omvandlades denna tjänst till en egen avdelning under namnet, ”Det Kongelige Biblioteks informationtjenste for kvindeforskning”. Informationstjänsten blir så småningom en självständig institution, ”KVINFO – center for tværfaglig information om kvinde- og kønsforskning”.
Se dagens verksamhet:http://forside.kvinfo.dk/
Parallellt med utvecklingen av KVINFO till en självständig institution bedrev Nynne Koch också sitt feminologiprojekt. Ett litet citatkluster för att exemplifiera dess innehåll:
"... at vi lever i en mandlig forklaringsmodel af verden, i et maskulint tydningsunivers. Og den er først og fremmest optaget af at lære kvinder at se med egne øjne..."
I anslutning till en utställning benämnd Det indre univers utgavs en bok med samma titel som innehöll samlade uttalanden om:
"…den verden, der ligger udenfor jeg-bevidsthedens fængelse. 'Den dresserede bevidsthed', kaldte jeg den. I min bevidsthet lå nok erkendelsen af, hvor dresserede vi allesammen er, dresseret af det gængse verdensbillede..."
"Imidlertid er forsøget på at give et konkret billede af feminologien dømt til at mislykkes. For feminologien er først og fremmest en proces, en erkendelse i vækst, et nyt verdensbillede under udfoldelse. Det handlar om ikkeviden, om anderledelse, om skjulte betydninger..."
Genom sitt feminologiprojekt skapade och inringade Nynne Koch ett forskningsfält innan den akademiska kvinnoforskningen hade formerat sig, och inringat motsvarande forskningsfält i den akademiska världen. Och hon vågade sig bortom den rådande positivistiska och rationalistiska kunskapssynen.
Sin idéteoretiska programförklaring ger hon i diktform.
Jeg påstår ikke
at sandheden og virkeligheden og helheden
er af hunkøn
på en eller anden måde
måndag 11 april 2011
Idag diskuterade vi bl.a. Murakami i den läspromenerande cirkeln jag leder på Simrishamns bibliotek.
"Sometimes fate is like a small sandstorm that keeps changing directions. You change direction but the sandstorm chases you. You turn again, but the storm adjusts. Over and over you play this out, like some ominous dance with death just before dawn. Why? Because this storm isn't something that blew in from far away, something that has nothing to do with you. This storm is you. Something inside of you. So all you can do is give in to it, step right inside the storm, closing your eyes and plugging up your ears so the sand doesn't get in, and walk through it, step by step. There's no sun there, no moon, no direction, no sense of time. Just fine white sand swirling up into the sky like pulverized bones. That's the kind of sandstorm you need to imagine.
An you really will have to make it through that violent, metaphysical, symbolic storm. No matter how metaphysical or symbolic it might be, make no mistake about it: it will cut through flesh like a thousand razor blades. People will bleed there, and you will bleed too. Hot, red blood. You'll catch that blood in your hands, your own blood and the blood of others.
And once the storm is over you won't remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won't even be sure, in fact, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm you won't be the same person who walked in." Haruki Murakami (Kafka on the Shore)
... utan en besandad. Har sand som fastnat i ögon- och näshår. Styr mitt luktsinne och skevseende. Ibland försöker jag låtsas att jag inte har sanddyner till fotsulor och tankeplanerar... blir lyckligtvis platt kalenderfall...
En gång sa en man jag älskade, att mina breda och tåspretande fötter skulle kunna korsa vilken öken som helst... då blev jag förolämpad... idag är jag en annan...
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