abjekt tala

Här ordsätter jag fragment av den översatta, avlyssnade, genomlevda och levrade rösten från platsen mellan, från det trinitäras terräng. Området mellan subjektets inhägnad och objektets bårhus.
Och återger terrängens (klyftans) litterära speglingar och vindlande spår.

She hungered for a different story - one to respell the world she knew


What we seek is love itself, revealed now and again in human form, but pushing us beyond our humanity into animal instinct and god-like success. There is no love that does not pierce the hands and feet... Jeanette Winterson. Love, the deadly wound from which my life slowly bleeds, there I am preserved ...Birgitta Trotzig

tisdag 12 april 2011

Nynne Koch en hjälta i biblioteksvärlden

Jag läste imorse några anteckningar om Nynne Koch (1915-2001) - min absoluta förebild inom biblioteksområdet, och hennes förebildande grundmurade tilltro till naturens intelligens och hennes valspråk:
je responderai - jag svarar an...
och det gjorde hon både i känslotanke-arbetet och i det konkreta, vardagliga handlandet.

Nynne Koch anställdes 1961 som kontorist på Det Kongelige Bibliotek i Köpenhamn. Hon hade redan tidigare som skönlitterär författare och debattör intresserat sig för “kvinnofrågan”. Detta intresse ledde till att hon undersökte kvinnolitteraturens ställning på sin nya arbetsplats, med nedslående resultat. Viktiga kvinnoverk saknades i beståndet, exempelvis Mary Wollstonecrafts A vindication of the right of woman från 1792, som var en av de tändande gnistorna i den första kvinnorörelsen. Den kvinnorelevanta litteratur som trots allt fanns, var svår att hitta.
1964 klev Nynne Koch över tröskeln till riksbibliotekariens kontor och bad om tid för att genomgå Det Kongelige Biblioteks kataloger och registrera kvinnorelevant litteratur. Hans svar blev: ”Ja, det må De gerne. Men De må kun bruge et kvarter om dagen”. Under denna officiellt tilldelade kvart om dagen gick hon igenom alla  bibliotekets samlingar och sammanställde en unik forskningsöversikt över bibliotekets kvinnorelevanta material. Denna översikt kom att ligga till grund för det nya ämnesområdet feminologi, som Nynne Koch tillskapade och namngav.
Beteckningen feminologi vann fotfäste på Det Kongelige Bibliotek och 1973 utnämndes Nynne Koch till ämnesreferent för området feminologi och ansvarig för den nyupprättade ”feminologisk dokumentationstjenste” på biblioteket. Några år senare, 1979, omvandlades denna tjänst till en egen avdelning under namnet, ”Det Kongelige Biblioteks informationtjenste for kvindeforskning”. Informationstjänsten blir så småningom en självständig institution, ”KVINFO – center for tværfaglig information om kvinde- og kønsforskning”.
Se dagens verksamhet:http://forside.kvinfo.dk/

Parallellt med utvecklingen av KVINFO till en självständig institution bedrev Nynne Koch också sitt feminologiprojekt. Ett litet citatkluster för att exemplifiera dess innehåll:
"... at vi lever i en mandlig forklaringsmodel af verden, i et maskulint tydningsunivers. Og den er først og fremmest optaget af at lære kvinder at se med egne øjne..."
I anslutning till en utställning benämnd Det indre univers utgavs en bok med samma titel som innehöll samlade uttalanden om:
"…den verden, der ligger udenfor jeg-bevidsthedens fængelse. 'Den dresserede bevidsthed', kaldte jeg den. I min bevidsthet lå nok erkendelsen af, hvor dresserede vi allesammen er, dresseret af det gængse verdensbillede..."
"Imidlertid er forsøget på at give et konkret billede af feminologien dømt til at mislykkes. For feminologien er først og fremmest en proces, en erkendelse i vækst, et nyt verdensbillede under udfoldelse. Det handlar om ikkeviden, om anderledelse, om skjulte betydninger..."

Genom sitt feminologiprojekt skapade och inringade Nynne Koch ett forskningsfält innan den akademiska kvinnoforskningen hade formerat sig, och inringat motsvarande forskningsfält i den akademiska världen. Och hon vågade sig bortom den rådande positivistiska och rationalistiska kunskapssynen.

Sin idéteoretiska programförklaring ger hon i diktform.
Jeg påstår ikke
at sandheden og virkeligheden og helheden
er af hunkøn

på en eller anden måde

måndag 11 april 2011


Idag diskuterade vi bl.a. Murakami i den läspromenerande cirkeln jag leder på Simrishamns bibliotek.

"Sometimes fate is like a small sandstorm that keeps changing directions. You change direction but the sandstorm chases you. You turn again, but the storm adjusts. Over and over you play this out, like some ominous dance with death just before dawn. Why? Because this storm isn't something that blew in from far away, something that has nothing to do with you. This storm is you. Something inside of you. So all you can do is give in to it, step right inside the storm, closing your eyes and plugging up your ears so the sand doesn't get in, and walk through it, step by step. There's no sun there, no moon, no direction, no sense of time. Just fine white sand swirling up into the sky like pulverized bones. That's the kind of sandstorm you need to imagine.

An you really will have to make it through that violent, metaphysical, symbolic storm. No matter how metaphysical or symbolic it might be, make no mistake about it: it will cut through flesh like a thousand razor blades. People will bleed there, and you will bleed too. Hot, red blood. You'll catch that blood in your hands, your own blood and the blood of others.

And once the storm is over you won't remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won't even be sure, in fact, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm you won't be the same person who walked in." Haruki Murakami (Kafka on the Shore)

... utan en besandad. Har sand som fastnat i ögon- och näshår. Styr mitt luktsinne och skevseende. Ibland försöker jag låtsas att jag inte har sanddyner till fotsulor och tankeplanerar... blir lyckligtvis platt kalenderfall...

En gång sa en man jag älskade, att mina breda och tåspretande fötter skulle kunna korsa vilken öken som helst... då blev jag förolämpad... idag är jag en annan...

tisdag 5 april 2011

Veriditas o bibliotek

Försöker kila in ett Foucaultiskt perspektiv i bibliotekets praktik o tillskapa en metod som ifrågasätter och upplöser dikotomin rationellt/irrationellt...
Även här Veriditas:
"... those greenish institutions where books accumulate and where grows the dense vegetation of their knowledge."
I Foucaults essä La Bibliotheque Fantastique flätar han samman benämningarna bibliotek/fantasi. Ursprungligen publicerad som efterord till den tyska utgåvan av Gustave Flauberts La tentation de Saint Antoine. Här beblandas akademiskt kunskapande med visoner/hallucinationer. Här framställs förnuft som hallucination, drömmar som vetenskap...
Nu hjärnljuder Wilmer Xs Möt mig i din djungel...


Fyrhörnad, månggrenad veriditas
- en möjlig benämning

Det icke-ordsatta
vilar i varje trestyngs korg
en stund

Veriditas klorofyll

Vaknar med ordet veriditas huvudekande.
Googlar:The great 12th century mystic, Hildegard von Bingen, used the word Veriditas to describe her vision of the greening power of Nature, the divine force within all life...the "greening of the mind"..."Understanding in the soul is like the Veriditas of the branches and the leaves of the tree."Veriditas, contains within it two Latin words- "green" and "truth".

Aesop, Fables 531
"A man was journeying in the wilderness and he found Veritas/Aletheia (Truth) standing there all alone. He said to her, `Ancient lady, why do you dwell here in the wilderness, leaving the city behind?' From the great depths of her wisdom, Veritas replied, `Among the people of old, lies were found among only a few, but now they have spread throughout all of human society!"

Aesop, Fables 530
"Prometheus, that potter who gave shape to our new generation, decided one day to sculpt the form of Veritas using all his skill so that she would be able to regulate people's behaviour. As he was working, an unexpected summons from mighty Jupiter/ Zeus called him away. Prometheus left cunning Dolus/Trickery in charge of his workshop, Dolus had recently become one of the god's apprentices. Fired by ambition, Dolus used the time at his disposal to fashion with his sly fingers a figure of the same size and appearance as Veritas with identical features. When he had almost completed the piece, which was truly remarkable, he ran out of clay to use for her feet. The master returned, so Dolus quickly sat down in his seat, quaking with fear. Prometheus was amazed at the similarity of the two statues and wanted it to seem as if all the credit were due to his own skill. Therefore, he put both statues in the kiln and when they had been thoroughly baked, he infused them both with life: sacred Veritas walked with measured steps, while her unfinished twin stood stuck in her tracks. That forgery, that product of subterfuge, thus acquired the name of Mendacium (Falsehood) [Pseudologos], and I readily agree with people who say that she has no feet: every once in a while something that is false can start off successfully, but with time Veritas is sure to prevail."

söndag 3 april 2011


Frihetens pris är kärlek - både som offer och belöning
alltid både/och
Delar födelsedatum med Gunnar Ekelöf.
Delar jordtagningsplats.
Hans aska ströddes i flodvatten.
Mitt hylsjag perforerades och jag bevattnades av grottvatten...
Hjärtats fyra kamrar, cirkelns fyrdelning
dit fotspåret leder
Artemis hundar ringar in...
Du är modern som är jungfru
och på spegeln som hänger under ditt hjärta
skall jag känna igen mig själv

onsdag 30 mars 2011

The Land

En berättelse vidarspridd från en av deltagarna i ALBAs fredsprojekt - vidarsprider:

My Land

The two men approached each other from opposite sides of the field. They had purposeful strides.

One was carrying a spade, the other a hoe. They met in the middle, anger flashing in both of their eyes.

“This is my land” said the first, “you can move aside”.

“Oh no”, said the other “this is my land, handed to me by my father, it is you that should move aside”.

“Given to you by your father!”, said the first, “he was a thief if ever there was one, he stole the land from my grandfather”.

“Only because he duped my great grandfather, into giving it away, when his eyes and mind were failing”. Said the other.

“Never mind that”, said the first, “this land belonged to my ancestors, it is said in the stories”,

“Your stories perhaps”, said the other……………………………………………

And the two argued into the night, each not budging a foot from the piece of ground he stood on.

In the morning they were still arguing and their voices could be heard ringing out across the landscape for the whole of the next day.

And the next….. and the next…. and the next.

Neither man dared move, in case the other took his place. They became thin, their clothes became ragged, their voices became hoarse. Soon it was only croaks and whispers that could be heard across the fields. The hoe and the spade lying desolutely on the ground.

There was a girl who walked past that field every day. She watched the men, until it looked as if they could barely stand up.

One day she went across to them and very quietly said, “perhaps you should seek some help in this matter, the wise Hodja lives in the wood across the path. I could show you the way”.

The two men followed the girl’s direction and they walked down a small path through the cool and the shade of the forest until they reached a clearing. The Hodja sat outside his hut, twisting rope with his fingers.

He looked up. The two men stumbeld forward, both shouting, “Its my land”.

The Hodja only nodded, “take me there”, he said.

When they reached the field, the Hodja pointed to a bare patch in the middle, where the land was dry dusty and compressed from their stamping feet.

“Here”? He said and they both nodded.

The Hodja walked out across the field and suddenly flung himself down on his on his hands and knees and put his ear to the ground.

He was there a long time until one of the men touched him and asked what he was doing.

“Listening to what the earth has to say”, said the Hodja and returned his ear to the ground.

Eventually he stood up. “Well, what does the earth have to say”? both men stammered.

“The earth says, you belong to her”, the Hodja replied.