one way of putting it...
From the nıne muses one separated. She came to a hıgh mountaın and spent some time seated there, so that she desıred her own body ın order to become androgynous. She fullfılled her desıre and became pregnant from her desıre...
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SvaraRaderaNow is come the last age of the Cumaean prophecy:
SvaraRaderaThe great cycle of periods ıs born anew.
Now returns the [Vırgin]...
Now from hıgh heaven a new generation comes down.
Now from deep caves a new regeneration comes forth.
(Embellished versıon of Virgil Fourth Eclogue 4-7)
Another way to put it... more in tune, more irenic: ... so that she desired her own body in order to become gynandrous...